Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday's Critters #34

Saturday's Critters #34

Happy weekend and welcome to Saturday's Critters!  I am looking forward to seeing what critter everyone has to share this week.. Ok, it's time to share your critters.

Last weekend, hubby and I visited a local park in Maryland called North Point State Park in Baltimore County. It has a wetland area known to attract great birds. I went mainly to see the Little Blue Herons that have been reported being seen at this park..

Above a Great Blue Heron, adult Little Blue Heron and a juvenile Little Blue Heron in the back.

One of my favorite herons the Little Blue Heron. I had no idea this local park had so many Little Blue Herons.. We will be returning to check out this park at another time..

The juvenile Little Blue Heron is white with greenish legs and feet. Their bills can have a black tip.

The Northern Water Snake looking very well fed..It had to be close to 5 feet long.

A cute frog, most of the frogs were jumping into the water when they saw us coming..

Another Little Blue Heron, aren't they pretty? 

An Osprey was also seen at the park,  we had an awesome couple of hours birding this park.. I hope you enjoyed my photos and post..

 Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.


Brian King said...

How cool! We don't have the Little Blues. I would want to go back! Nice shots of the snake and frog!

Merlesworld said...

That snake does look well fed, maybe thats why the frogs are jumping into the water, they don't want to be afternoon snacks.

A Colorful World said...

Love the little blue heron! It's a new favorite for me too. And the snake and frog were wonderful! great place to get photos! Thanks for the Saturday's Critters meme. I enjoy linking in!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen That certainly was worthwhile visiting that park. I agree the Little Blue Heron is a pretty bird. I am going to try to link in myself this week as I unfortunately was not able to go to Copeland Island this weekend. If I cannot get it to link,I will email you. Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I love the herons and the frog. Happy critter day, Eileen, and thank you for hosting.

Katarina said...

The Little Blue Heron is an amazing bird! How cute isn't the young one..?

Jocee said...

Beautiful Heron's and I do love that frog!

orchid0324 said...

Wow, North Point State Park must be a great place for you (us, haha). Really pretty heron and amazing that birds have such different colors according to the age and the gender♬♬♬

Happy linking worked an hour later p;)

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to Dear Eileen, xoxo Miyako*

NatureFootstep said...

great set of critters. The snake probably had it´s lunch a little while ago. :)

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I love the Great Blue Heron. Also love the Little Blue Heron; fascinating that it's white in its earlier stages of life. Your critters - the snake and frogs make my post seem pale by comparison. What great sightings and captures. Enjoy your weekend. Jo

from Madrid said...

One enjoys seeing what in the city we can not see.


FAB said...

I have fond memories of seeing Little Blue Heron for the first time so thanks Eileen for reawakening those images.

Irma said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen.
The snake I find really great, happy you do not see that in the Netherlands.
Photos 5 and 6 I find sublime.
I wish you a very nice weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

That snake!!! It would scare me to my wits' end. Seriously.

But I too love the Little Blue.

Elaine said...

The Little Blue Heron is lovely, and so is that frog!

A wondering star said...

You got some marvelous pictures.
Beautiful Heron!
Thanks for sharing.

Have a lovely weekend :-)

Susan said...

Looks like an interesting place to visit. The Little Blue Heron is beautiful! Have a great Saturday!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Your photos of the blue heron and the frog and all the other birds are fantastic ! So beautiful.
Have a nice weekend, Eileen.
Best regards, Synnöve

Minoru Saito said...

Hi,Eileen. Nice captures. Your photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all amazing. I just showed the snake to hubby and we have never seen anything like it..

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen:) I agree with you, and it seems everyone does, that the little Blue Heron is a darling, such a cute face! The frog is pretty, and that snake looks as though it's eaten something huge,... hope its not a juvi Blue! Great sightings and captures of everything Eileen.
Enjoy your weekend.:)

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Very nice shots you show again. That frog is so funny with his big eyes. Great that you've could photographing him so close. Wonderful.

Best regards,

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice to see the Little Blue Herons. I wonder if they are nesting there. We have them on our lake here in south Florida, but they are very shy and usually do not let me get very close. Tricolored Herons are not like that, but the Little Blues can just see me approaching the back door and they are on their way!

DeniseinVA said...

Those Little Blue Herons are very pretty. Love all your critter photos Eileen. This park has a wonderful variety of wildlife. Great photos of them. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The water snake picture and the frog picture are my two favorite :)

Icy BC said...

Beautiful heron, and frog...not sure about the snake, too huge, too scary :)

lina@happy family said...

Enjoying your snake, frog and bird shots. The snake looks so huge!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a treat to see the juvenile with green legs- I have not seen one before.

Misty DawnS said...

The baby Blue Heron is so adorable!!! I've never seen a baby Blue Heron before.
That Water Snakes DOES look very WELL fed!!!

sandyland said...

Little blues always a fav

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Little Blue Heron ... that is a new one for me. The second picture of him, he almost looks like his head feathers are lavender. What a beautiful bird ... do you know what areas they are native to? Always love a cute Frog and like you I miss most of them because they seem to know I am coming ... the snake on the other hand ... a grogeous creature. And the Osprey looks like a little old man with a big schnoz :) You certainly did have a wonderful day in this park. I would be going back too.

Andrea @ From The Sol

TexWisGirl said...

i've never seen a little blue! i'd love to! great frog shot and the snake, too!

Pat said...

The LBH is a pretty bird, both juvenile and adult. I wonder what the snake just ate?
Love the frog shot.

Phil Slade said...

Hi Eileen and thanks for letting me join your critter party. I'm thinking that those Little Blue Herons are gorgeous, especially in breeding dress.That's some snake too, I hope it doesn't eat birds and frogs but it probably does.

Have a great and birdy weekend.

Sharon Wagner said...

I love the green frog!

Sue said...

Hello Eileen
Hope your weekend is going well. Loved your critter shots--especially the frog. Hope he can avoid all the herons!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Weekend, Eileen. What a great place to take photos. Thanks for sharing.

Lynne said...

YIKES for the snake, YAY for the Blue Heron, large and small!

Linda W. said...

The little blue heron is a cute bird! Wow, that snake was really big.

Diane AZ said...

So many interesting critters! The frog and little blue heron are very sweet. :)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Fabulous photos - love all those critters.

Charlotta said...

Looks like real wild life in the park. Like your photos and specially the juvenile white baby heron.
Have a nice saturday evening.

Inspired By June said...

Those little blues are so sweet! I think it's interesting that the juveniles look so different from the adults - love those green legs! Great shots, Eileen! Thanks for hosting and sharing your adventures!

Ela said...

Wow ! Wonderful collection of the pictures ! I love your shots !
Eileen, have a nice weekend :)

A Colorful World said...

I tried to link in last night and couldn't do it. Glad I was finally able to this morning!

Maude Lynn said...

What a pretty little frog!

Al said...

What pretty birds. But I'm not sure about the snake - that's larger than I'd like to see in the wild!

carol l mckenna said...

Love the bull frog! Great nature shots as always ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Cloudia said...


ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

HappyK said...

Nice seeing all your critters. Maryland has such great parks!!

Pat Tillett said...

Great photos! I've never heard of that particular snake. It was a BIG one! I really like the blue herons. I guess they are cute when young and get that grouchy look later on in life.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Wow! So many amazing critters, Eileen! I've never seen a Little Blue Heron before and the snake and frog were wonderful captures as well. What a day you had!

Our photos said...

Very nice. I like the frog !

Joyful said...

These shots are really wonderful Eileen. I don't participate in the meme because I seldom see critters but I do like to look ;-) Have a wonderful weekend. xx

sunshine said...

Wonderful photos and animals, the little blue heron is really beautiful.

Debbie said...

a wonderful set today eileen, i really loved the cute little frog!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i am happy with the toad. he is way cute. i love picking them up. so cool!!

ok, ok... it was a snake ... get over it Beth ... any who ... he sure is fat & i don't have to be near him. ha. ha!! ( :

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hi Eileen
I am please that you have a good zoom on your camera, that snake looks way too close to me! I love your Little Blue Herons with their cute feathered caps!
Happy Sunday!
Wren x

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Another enjoyable series of photos! I do love seeing the Heron's and that frog is a real "prince" too--The snake on the other hand... But he does look well fed!

Linda said...

Enjoyed your pictures of water critters! The young heron looks a lot like an egret.

Karen said...

Oh yes, I did enjoy!

Bob Bushell said...

The snake is really precious, and Little Blue Heron are my fave. Beautiful to have.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Eileen, before I forget to tell your purples in this header! And yes, those Little BLues are so cute. Like the water snake, the frog looks pretty well fed too!!!!...:)JP

Crafty Green Poet said...

all those herons are wonderful! And that frog is very cute!

Jeanne said...

Eileen I just love your shots of the heron! This looks like an awesome place to go with your camera. Wow, that was a pretty big snake too... Would hate to run in to him on a trail

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Helma said...

What you do have beautiful herons. You leave here a couple of very nice to see Eileen. Schiterende colors. Your frog is great too but your snake is a very big and long brrrrr!!!!

DIMI said...

Wow!!What a bid snake Eileen!!!!
The blue heron is one of my favorite birds!!Such great captures!!Have a happy week!Hugs!

Anni said...

Thanks for linking up this weekend at the Bird D'Pot Eileen!

Stephanie said...

Wow on that green frog and the heron.

HansHB said...

A beautiful post for the bird theme!
My post:

Marie-Anne said...

Little blue herons are so lovely!!! And the frog is fantastic!!!
Have a nice week, Eileen!!!!

Anonymous said...

That snake is very impressive. A tad bit scary too.

Ida said...

What a great place. Those Blue Heron were wonderful. That was also an impressive looking snake and an adorable frog.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Those pics are spectacular, Eileen!

I love taking pics of critters. Glad I found your place.

Maria said...

You have so much flora and fauna there it’s amazing! Snakes are very beneficial, although they might eat a birds egg, they eat rodents also a keep a good check and balance in the food chain.

Saturday's Critters # 589

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...